Among all the coffee recipes so popular among gourmets these days, there are a few that are so simple they are becoming increasingly popular at the espresso bar and more and more frequently replicated in the home.
This is without doubt the case of NUTELLINO, a coffee-based recipe that is increasingly successful and in demand, especially at this time of year.
4 cups of COVIM espresso coffee
60 grams of Nutella or other hazelnut spread
125 ml whipping cream (or milk)
unsweetened cocoa
Put 15 grams of hazelnut spread in each espresso cup. If you have a Covim espresso system, make espresso right in the cup; if not, pour espresso from your stovetop coffee pot over the hazelnut spread.
Put the finishing touch on the recipe with shaken whipping cream or foamed milk.
Top with powdered cocoa.